a bit of surprise ちょっとした驚き
please accept my condolences お悔みを申し上げます。
please accept my deepest sympathies
you have my deepest sympathies 心からお悔やみ申し上げます。
we are here for you
my condolences on the death of your father
on the passing of your father
be sorry to hear (that) お気の毒です。
please know....知っていてください。忘れないでください
please know that we are working to fix this problem.
please know we are here for you
please know
I know how you feel あなたのお気持ちはわかります。
under the weather 船酔いの意味から体の調子が悪い
投稿日 2018年2月1日木曜日
読みかじり - アグスネット - 怪しいサイトと感じたら安全性をチェック -日経パソコン(25SEP17)より
投稿日 2018年2月1日木曜日
メールアドレスの流出が即座に確認できる - 日経パソコン(25SEP17)
The point is that the folks dealing with this incident today are cleaning up someone else's mess. I'm sympathetic to those dealing with the breach and as much as we may feel tempted to blame LinkedIn as an organisation, it's worth remembering there are people dealing with this that are having a pretty miserable time through absolutely no fault of their own.
But of course for me, one of the things at the forefront of my mind after such an incident is how I'm going to deal with the data as it relates to HIBP. This is a bit nuanced, so let me try and fully explain it here:
Have I been pwned
I want to talk about HIBP and the LinkedIn data in a moment, but I want to share a portion of an email I received from someone this weekend first:
I'm not sure if you're aware of leakedsource.com - it's vaguely similar to haveibeenpwned.com in that it allows visitors to find out if they appear in dumps, except it feels like it's being run with more criminal intent. In contrast to your site, they don't give any background on themselves, they also have a paid subscription which allows access to the entire database, including other people's details and plain text passwords. On top of that, to remove one's self from the database for free, you're expected to send even more personal data to them, and then it's done manually, for which they conveniently have a "huge backlog".
I've been aware of Leaked Source for a while and I have thoughts on how they operate which are similar to what's represented in the comment above. What the person who sent me that email wasn't aware of at the time though was that Leaked Source subsequently received some pretty stern words from LinkedIn, most notably the following:
We have demanded that parties cease making stolen password data available and will evaluate potential legal action if they fail to comply
投稿日 2018年1月31日水曜日
投稿日 2018年1月29日月曜日
読みかじり - ONLINE OCR - PDFや画像の中の文章をテキストファイルとして出力できる - 日経パソコン(25SEP17)より
46 languages including Chinese, Japanese and Korean Word, Excel and Text output formats | |||||||||||||||
福 岡空港の民営化に向け、大手3商社 が名乗りをあげた。それぞれ海外で 空港や鉄道、水、発電などのインフラ事業 で運営実績を持2二菱商事、伊藤忠商事、 住友商事で、各社が持つ強みや経験をアピ ールし、落札を目指す。 公募されるのは福岡空港運営の民間委 託。年間旅客数2137万人(うち国際線 465万人)の国際空港で、落札した企業 が最長30年にわたり滑走路とターミナルビ ル、駐車場などを運営する。 アジアからの旅客を中心に将来の旅客増 が見込めるほか、ブランド品販売や人気テ ナント誘致など流通事業の強化、資機材の 提供、IT化や滑走路・ターミナルビルの 維持管理の効率化による収益ァップなど、 「商社が持つ機能を発揮できる魅力ある収 益機会」(商社首脳)と各社は口をそろえる。 最低応札価格は2000億円強とみら れ、その他に滑走路増設による収益増の5 割を国に支払うため、2400億円が最低 落札ラインとなりそう。落札企業は、これ を着陸料とテナント収入、空港の維持・管 理・補修費用の効率化で吸収するために、 実現可能な詳細な事業計画を出す。 三菱商事はシンガポールのチャンギ・エ アポート・グループ、西日本鉄道や九州電 力など地ール企業が設立した福岡エアポート ホールディングスと企業連合を組んだ。住 友商事は三井不動産、ドイツの空港運営会 社アビー・アライアンスと、伊藤墨間事は 大和ハウス工業、日本国内のインフラ事業 でも実績のある豪州マッコーリー・グルー
プと組んだ。この他、オリックス、墓只急 行電鉄、三菱地所という関西、仙台、高松 それぞれの空港民間委託車乗で実績のある 3社連合、福岡での不動産開発実績が豊富 な墓尽建物と英空港運営会社マンチェスタ ー・エアポート・グループの連合の5グル ープが来年5月をメドに落札を《畢っ。
三菱商事は、2015年からミヤンマー のマンダレー国際空港の運営事業に乗り出 しており、日本航空の子会社、JALUX と三菱商事でそれぞれ45 ・5%を出資し、 ターミナルビルや滑走路などの空港関連施 設の維持管理を含む空港の運営を行ってい る。これは日本企業が海外で100%民間 資本で取り組む初の空港車乗民営化。 住友商事は、バングラデシュの主要4空 港向けに航空管制システムやセキュリティ
国国国国加Lに国国叫一国国国国E・ー 福岡空港(民間委託の1次審査結果は9月中に公表)
ーシステムなどを受注した実績を持つほ か、香港、米国、韓国の空港向け自動運転 シャトルで世界2位の実績を持つ。 伊藤忠は空港運営の実績はないが、英国 で4件のゴミ処理・発電、豪州とオマーン の海水淡水化、英国とスペインで杢迫、英 国で鉄道と過去10年で9件のインフラ事業 を運営した実績を持ち、これをテコに日本 での空港事業参入を図る。 商社はこれまで海外のインフラ事業とい えばプラント輸出、つまり機械の輸出によ る物流口銭やファイナンス組成の手数料を 収益源としてきたが、この20年で事業環境 は大きく様変わりし、事業そのものを運営 して収益増を図る方向にシフトしてきた。 インフラ専業で経験を持つ伊藤忠の機械 カンパニー、大塚健司シニアマネジャーは、 「事業権の落札や契約調印がーつの節目だ が、正念場はその後だ」という。プラ、\ト 輸出と異なり、落札した後こそが本領発揮 というわけだ。いわく「予定通りの納期で 工事を終えられるか」「地域の住民や自治体 と友好的な関係づくりができるか」「鉄道事 業であれば数万点に及ぶ部品や機器を組み 合わせ、うまくかみムu?ンステムとしてま とめ上げることができるか」「安定した運行 と安全の確保」―などだ。 地域経済への貢献では、三菱商事が参加 する九州地場連合が圧倒的に有利で、国内 の空港事業の実績ならオリックス連合。そ の麟ゼ縫って、残る2商社が業計画で どれだけ魅力的な提案をできるか。 (編集部)
投稿日 2018年1月26日金曜日
読みかじり - 英語の品格が上がる - プレジデント(17apr17)より
I look forward to seeing you soon.
I hope to see you soon.
We would be grateful if you could join.
I would like you to...
We would greatly appreciate it if you could....
It would be helpful if you could....
I would appreciate further information on...
I would appreciate it if you could provide some details on ...
I would like to know more about....
We would appreciate your reply at your earliest convenience.
Would you please get back to us at your earliest convenience?
I would like to double-check about....
I would like to follow up on...
I would like to confirm about...
I understand you are busy, but I would appreciate your reply at your earliest convenience.
I am sorry to trouble you, but a quick response would be very much appreciated.
I would just like to remind you of our meeting on April 5th(Wed.) at 3:00 p.m.
This is just a gentle reminder about our meeting on April 5th(Wed.) at 3:00 p.m.
We would appreciate it if you could make the payment of the invoiced amount by April 3 (Mon.).
Would you please pay the invoiced amount by bank transfer by April 3(Mon.)?
I believe that...
In my opinion...
This is just my opinion, but...
I agree with you on ....
I believe you are right about....
I completely agree on ...
I am afraid I have a different opinion ...
I am afraid I don't agree.
May I suggest that ...?
I would like to propose that...
Please convey my appreciation to ...
I would appreciate it if you could communicate my apprecation to ...
I wish you all the best.
I wish you the very best.
I hope everything goes well.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
I am glad(pleased) to meet to you.
I look forward to working with you.
Thank you for your continued support.
Again, Thank you for ...
I deeply apologize for causing this inconvenience.
I would like to express my sincere apologies for inconveniencing you.
I am deeply sorry for causing this inconvenience.
Please accept my sincere apologies for the trouble that this may have caused.
We appreciate your pointing out this error.
Thank you very much for pointing out my mistake.
I greatly appreciate your pointing out this error and for your consideration.
We realize hat this was a mistake on our side.
We acknowledge our mistake and apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
I hope to see you soon.
We would be grateful if you could join.
I would like you to...
We would greatly appreciate it if you could....
It would be helpful if you could....
I would appreciate further information on...
I would appreciate it if you could provide some details on ...
I would like to know more about....
We would appreciate your reply at your earliest convenience.
Would you please get back to us at your earliest convenience?
I would like to double-check about....
I would like to follow up on...
I would like to confirm about...
I understand you are busy, but I would appreciate your reply at your earliest convenience.
I am sorry to trouble you, but a quick response would be very much appreciated.
I would just like to remind you of our meeting on April 5th(Wed.) at 3:00 p.m.
This is just a gentle reminder about our meeting on April 5th(Wed.) at 3:00 p.m.
We would appreciate it if you could make the payment of the invoiced amount by April 3 (Mon.).
Would you please pay the invoiced amount by bank transfer by April 3(Mon.)?
I believe that...
In my opinion...
This is just my opinion, but...
I agree with you on ....
I believe you are right about....
I completely agree on ...
I am afraid I have a different opinion ...
I am afraid I don't agree.
May I suggest that ...?
I would like to propose that...
Please convey my appreciation to ...
I would appreciate it if you could communicate my apprecation to ...
I wish you all the best.
I wish you the very best.
I hope everything goes well.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
I am glad(pleased) to meet to you.
I look forward to working with you.
Thank you for your continued support.
Again, Thank you for ...
I deeply apologize for causing this inconvenience.
I would like to express my sincere apologies for inconveniencing you.
I am deeply sorry for causing this inconvenience.
Please accept my sincere apologies for the trouble that this may have caused.
We appreciate your pointing out this error.
Thank you very much for pointing out my mistake.
I greatly appreciate your pointing out this error and for your consideration.
We realize hat this was a mistake on our side.
We acknowledge our mistake and apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused.
投稿日 2018年1月26日金曜日
読みかじり - 知らないと怒られる「超失礼な学校英語」 - プレジデント(17APR17)
x Do you understand?
◯Am I making sense?
x Please sit down.
◯Please have a seat.
x Once more, please.
◯Would you say that again, please?
x Please wait.
◯Just a moment, please.
x I want it by Monday.
◯I would like it by Monday.
x Please call back later.
◯Could you call back later?
x I want you to help me.
◯ I would like you to help me.
I would appreciate it if you could help me.
思わずムカッ! 「感じ悪い」フレーズ
x You should contact Mr. Tanaka.
◯You might want to contact Mr.Tanaka.
x What do you want?
◯What can I do for you?
x Can you speak English?
◯Do you speak English?
「英語を話せますか?」 話す習慣があるか、という意味の”Do you~?”を使おう。
x Why did you come to Japan?
◯What brought you to Japan?
x Can you eat natto?
◯Do you like natto?
x What is your phone number?
◯May I have you phone number, please?
x Oh, my God!
◯Oh, my gosh!
「ええっ!」 宗教上の理由から避けるべき表現
x Could you send me the file ASAP?
◯Could you send me the file at your earliest convenience?
A: I'm afraid I have to work late. I need to finish the sales report tonight.
B:x Do your best.
◯ I'm sure you will. Don't work too hard.
It'a good restaurant.
x You had better go there.
◯ You should go there.
★shouldは「~すべき」という訳で覚えるので、”had better"よりきつい表現だと思いがちだが、実は逆。
”had better"には「後に続く動詞が表すことをしないと大変だ」という「脅し」のニュアンスがある。
x Do you understand?
◯Am I making sense?
x Please sit down.
◯Please have a seat.
x Once more, please.
◯Would you say that again, please?
x Please wait.
◯Just a moment, please.
x I want it by Monday.
◯I would like it by Monday.
x Please call back later.
◯Could you call back later?
x I want you to help me.
◯ I would like you to help me.
I would appreciate it if you could help me.
思わずムカッ! 「感じ悪い」フレーズ
x You should contact Mr. Tanaka.
◯You might want to contact Mr.Tanaka.
x What do you want?
◯What can I do for you?
x Can you speak English?
◯Do you speak English?
「英語を話せますか?」 話す習慣があるか、という意味の”Do you~?”を使おう。
x Why did you come to Japan?
◯What brought you to Japan?
x Can you eat natto?
◯Do you like natto?
x What is your phone number?
◯May I have you phone number, please?
x Oh, my God!
◯Oh, my gosh!
「ええっ!」 宗教上の理由から避けるべき表現
x Could you send me the file ASAP?
◯Could you send me the file at your earliest convenience?
A: I'm afraid I have to work late. I need to finish the sales report tonight.
B:x Do your best.
◯ I'm sure you will. Don't work too hard.
It'a good restaurant.
x You had better go there.
◯ You should go there.
★shouldは「~すべき」という訳で覚えるので、”had better"よりきつい表現だと思いがちだが、実は逆。
”had better"には「後に続く動詞が表すことをしないと大変だ」という「脅し」のニュアンスがある。
投稿日 2018年1月26日金曜日
読みかじり - 実践編 科学的トレーニングで効果的に英語力を伸ばせ - プレジデント(17APR17)
●文法 単語
投稿日 2018年1月24日水曜日
読みかじり - 場を支配できる!トランプ流「最強のビジネス英会話入門) - プレジデント(17apr17)より
①I'm going to tell you a couple of stories about trade.
「be going to + 動詞(~するつもりだ)」はプレゼンなどで以前から準備していたことを伝えるのにピッタリ。
②The American dream is dead.
be動詞を使った「A is B.」という超シンプルな文型はとても使いやすい。
③How nice, but what do we get?
「How + 形容詞 or 副詞」の形で「なんと~な!」という感嘆文が手軽につくれる。
④I'm totally against the trade bill.
⑤Obama is, without question, the WORST EVER president.
何かを酷評したかったら、対象を主語にして「◯◯is the worst ever.」と言えばいい。
⑥Any negative polls are fake news.
⑦Nobody builds walls better than me.
⑧I will work hard and never let you down!
⑨Now, we are looking only to the future.
目指すべき方向を示したいとき「We are looking only to ◯◯.」と言えば手軽に伝わる。
⑩No dream is too big, no challenge is too great.
人を鼓舞したいときに使えるのが「No+名詞+is too形容詞」という構文。
⑪Please don't feel so stupid or insecure. It’s not your fault.
失敗した相手をなぐさめるときに便利なのが It’s not your fault.という表現。
⑫Don't be rude. No, I'm not going to give you a question.
相手に何か注意したいとき「Don't be + 形容詞」の3語で意図を伝えられる。
①I'm going to tell you a couple of stories about trade.
「be going to + 動詞(~するつもりだ)」はプレゼンなどで以前から準備していたことを伝えるのにピッタリ。
②The American dream is dead.
be動詞を使った「A is B.」という超シンプルな文型はとても使いやすい。
③How nice, but what do we get?
「How + 形容詞 or 副詞」の形で「なんと~な!」という感嘆文が手軽につくれる。
④I'm totally against the trade bill.
⑤Obama is, without question, the WORST EVER president.
何かを酷評したかったら、対象を主語にして「◯◯is the worst ever.」と言えばいい。
⑥Any negative polls are fake news.
⑦Nobody builds walls better than me.
⑧I will work hard and never let you down!
⑨Now, we are looking only to the future.
目指すべき方向を示したいとき「We are looking only to ◯◯.」と言えば手軽に伝わる。
⑩No dream is too big, no challenge is too great.
人を鼓舞したいときに使えるのが「No+名詞+is too形容詞」という構文。
⑪Please don't feel so stupid or insecure. It’s not your fault.
失敗した相手をなぐさめるときに便利なのが It’s not your fault.という表現。
⑫Don't be rude. No, I'm not going to give you a question.
相手に何か注意したいとき「Don't be + 形容詞」の3語で意図を伝えられる。
投稿日 2018年1月24日水曜日
読みかじり - トランプ流「中1英語」が聞き手を魅了するわけ - プレジデント(17APR17)より
Carlos, Slim, the great businessman from Mexico, called me about getting together for a meeting. We met, HE IS A GREAT GUY!
We have Sergeant Bergdahl, Right?
Maybe we're not supposed to [get into that fight]. Okay? Okay?
They don't have a clue. / They can't lead us. / They can't. / They can't even answer simple questions. / It was terrible.
(It isを省略) So important that you get out and vote. So important that you watch other communities.
North Korea is a big problem. North Korea is a big problem.
Carlos, Slim, the great businessman from Mexico, called me about getting together for a meeting. We met, HE IS A GREAT GUY!
We have Sergeant Bergdahl, Right?
Maybe we're not supposed to [get into that fight]. Okay? Okay?
They don't have a clue. / They can't lead us. / They can't. / They can't even answer simple questions. / It was terrible.
(It isを省略) So important that you get out and vote. So important that you watch other communities.
North Korea is a big problem. North Korea is a big problem.
投稿日 2018年1月23日火曜日
読みかじり - World Inequality Grows Amid Glut of New Billionaires, Oxfam Says 世界の富の82%、1%の富裕層に集中 国際NGO試算
World Inequality Grows Amid Glut of New Billionaires, Oxfam Says
Follow our full coverage of Davos 2018 here.
World Inequality Grows Amid Glut of New Billionaires, Oxfam Says
Follow our full coverage of Davos 2018 here.
The global economy created a record number of billionaires last year, exacerbating inequality amid a weakening of workers’ rights and a corporate push to maximize shareholder returns, charity organization Oxfam International said in a new report.
The world now has 2,043 billionaires, after a new one emerged every two days in the past year, the nonprofit organization said in a report published Monday. The group of mostly men saw its wealth surge by $762 billion, which is enough money to end extreme poverty seven times over, according to Oxfam.
According to separate data compiled by Bloomberg, the top 500 billionaires’ net worth grew 24 percent to $5.38 trillion in 2017, while the world’s richest person, Amazon.com Inc.’s Jeff Bezos, saw a gain of $33.7 billion.
“The billionaire boom is not a sign of a thriving economy but a symptom of a failing economic system,” said Winnie Byanyima, executive director of Oxfam International. “The people who make our clothes, assemble our phones and grow our food are being exploited.”
Oxfam published the report as global leaders, chief executives and bankers arrive in Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting. Noting that many of the world’s elite say they’re concerned about income inequality, the charity said most governments are “shamefully failing” to improve the matter.
Oxfam called on governments to limit shareholder and executive returns, while ensuring workers receive a living wage. It also recommended eliminating the gender pay gap and raising taxes on the wealthy, among other suggestions.
“People are ready for change,” Byanyima said. “They want a limit on the power and the wealth which sits in the hands of so few.”
https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASL1Q53MTL1QUHBI016.html世界の富の82%、1%の富裕層に集中 国際NGO試算
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