
投稿日 2018年2月3日土曜日



● A4のクッションケースは見開きで2枚使える。
● ファスナーテープの粘着力は強力で端に簡単に張り付いてくれる。
▲ ネットに公開されていた設計図は少し大きさが小さかったので、拡大印刷。



● レンズスカート装着後は写り込みが無くなった!


投稿日 2018年2月2日金曜日

読みかじり - 多くのひとに読んでもらおう - 日経パソコン(25sep17)より










グーグル運営の「search console(サーチコンソール)」というサービスを使うと良い。

投稿日 2018年2月2日金曜日

聞きかじり - please accept my condolences お悔みを申し上げます。 実践ビジネス英語(18OCT2017)

a bit of surprise ちょっとした驚き

please accept my condolences お悔みを申し上げます。
please accept my deepest sympathies
you have my deepest sympathies 心からお悔やみ申し上げます。
we are here for you

my condolences on the death of your father
on the passing of your father

be sorry to hear (that) お気の毒です。

please know....知っていてください。忘れないでください

please know that we are working to fix this problem.
please know we are here for you
please know

I know how you feel あなたのお気持ちはわかります。

under the weather 船酔いの意味から体の調子が悪い


投稿日 2018年2月1日木曜日

読みかじり - アグスネット - 怪しいサイトと感じたら安全性をチェック -日経パソコン(25SEP17)より




投稿日 2018年2月1日木曜日

メールアドレスの流出が即座に確認できる - 日経パソコン(25SEP17)





The point is that the folks dealing with this incident today are cleaning up someone else's mess. I'm sympathetic to those dealing with the breach and as much as we may feel tempted to blame LinkedIn as an organisation, it's worth remembering there are people dealing with this that are having a pretty miserable time through absolutely no fault of their own.
But of course for me, one of the things at the forefront of my mind after such an incident is how I'm going to deal with the data as it relates to HIBP. This is a bit nuanced, so let me try and fully explain it here:

Have I been pwned

I want to talk about HIBP and the LinkedIn data in a moment, but I want to share a portion of an email I received from someone this weekend first:
I'm not sure if you're aware of leakedsource.com - it's vaguely similar to haveibeenpwned.com in that it allows visitors to find out if they appear in dumps, except it feels like it's being run with more criminal intent. In contrast to your site, they don't give any background on themselves, they also have a paid subscription which allows access to the entire database, including other people's details and plain text passwords. On top of that, to remove one's self from the database for free, you're expected to send even more personal data to them, and then it's done manually, for which they conveniently have a "huge backlog".
I've been aware of Leaked Source for a while and I have thoughts on how they operate which are similar to what's represented in the comment above. What the person who sent me that email wasn't aware of at the time though was that Leaked Source subsequently received some pretty stern words from LinkedIn, most notably the following:
We have demanded that parties cease making stolen password data available and will evaluate potential legal action if they fail to comply

投稿日 2018年2月1日木曜日

見かじり - 鎮痛剤で中毒 アメリカのオピオイド危機 -  WBS 12jan18
