
投稿日 2018年2月8日木曜日

聞きかじり - People don’t really make close friendships after they turn 30 - 実践ビジネス英語(10月19日)より

hit someone right in the gut もろに人の身に堪える。
guts 内臓 はらわた
gut feeling 理屈ではない、直感のこと。

gut feeling

《a ~》直感、勘、第六感、虫の知らせ
my gut is telling me.
this is the thing to do.
this is not right.

does it ever 全くです。
it really does.
is it ever.
that was big mistake.
was it ever.


People don’t really make close friendships after they turn 30, do they?

my truly close friends the ones I can talk with really honestly and can trust completely are all guys I met well before I was 25.

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