ずるいえいご 単行本(ソフトカバー) – 2014/7/26
→ 語彙力の呪縛から逃れましょう。
1.8割すてる - 残りの8割はニュアンスとして捨ててみて、2割で話しても8割相手に伝わります。
2.おとな語をすてる - 「大人語」はすてて簡単でシンプルな「子供語」に変換。
3.直訳をすてる - 「直訳」をすてて、映像から英語にできそうなところを探してみる。
「キリン→映像」 「A tall animal」「Long neck」「Yellow]
「弱音を吐く=show the white feather」ではなく、
「一目置く」 = acknowledge someone's superiority
I think he is really great.
I respect him.
I wish I were like him.
I want to be like him someday.
「息が合う」 = have a great chemistry
They both know what the other person is thinking.
They are really good partners.
He knows what she wants and she knows what he wants.
They know each other very well.
「足を引っ張る」 = get in my way
He knew I needed his help, but he never did anything.
H didn't let me do it.
When I tried to do it, he caused so much trouble.
He said to me, "You can't do it. It's too hard for you."
「あまい」 = indulgent, dote
His daughter controls him.
He loves his daughter too much.
He buys whatever his daughter wants.
He can't say "No" to his daughter.
「あがる」= get stage fright
My hands are shaky.
I can't smile.
My hands are sweating.
I want to go home.
「あまい②」 = shortsighted
I made a mistake because I didn't think hard enough.
It's all my fault.
I thought I could have done better.
I did't know anything about the real world.
「頭があがらない」 = be in the doghouse
What he has to do is obey his wife.
He can't say "No" to his wife.
He has to follow her orders because she keeps him under her control.
He forgot his wife's birthday. He doesn't know what to say.
「足が出る」 = run over eg. over budget, exceed the budget
I didn't have enough money.
I spent too much.
I spent more than I planned.
I planned to spend \10,000, but I spent \20,000.
「いい気になる」 = He has been over confident. He is full of himself.
He seems to believe he is perfect.
H doesn't listen to anyone.
He acts like a king, but other people don't think he is a king.
He is like, " I can do everything!"
「行き当たりばったり」 = go withe flow on the spur of the moment
I decide where to go and what to eat at that moment.
I never prepare when I go on trip.
I don't make plans about where to go and what to eat while traveling.
I never check information before traveling.
「痛くもかゆくもない」 = it's no big deal. It doesn't bother me at all.
Whatever you say, it doesn't matter to me.
It is nothing to me.
It doesn't affect me.
I don't care what you said.
「いまいち」 = not the greatest
I think it is OK, but I expected more.
It's not good enough.
You can do better than this.
I can't say it is the best.
「言わぬが花」 = Silence is golden.
You don't need to say that.
It's better not to mention it.
You should not say that.
You should keep your mouth shut.
「右往左往する」 = run around like a chicken with its head cut off
I was confused and didn't know what to do next.
I panicked.
I couldn't stay calm.
I was too confused to do what I was supposed to do.
「打つ手がない」 = I have no options.
If I were a genius, I would think of something.
There is nothing I can do.
I don't know what to do.
I have no idea what I should do.
「頭を抱える」 = It's such a headache.
I can't find the way out.
I don't know what to do.
I have been thinking for a long time, but I can't find a solution.
I really want to escape from this problem.
「上の空」 = His mind is elsewhere.
I wish he would listen to me seriously.
He said "A-ha," but obviously he wasn't listening.
He is physically here, but his mind is not.
He was thinking about something else while I was talking to him.
「大目に見る」 = I'll let it pass this time.
He was too careless. I told him it's OK, but this would be the last time.
I said to him, "This time it's OK."
I hope this won't happen again.
I ignored what he had done this time.
「お人好し」 = a hopelessly softhearted person
She is so innocent that she is always deceived.
She is too kind.
She never says no to anybody.
She always believes everything.
「口が堅い」 = His lips are sealed.
I can trust him.
He can keep a secret.
I believe he is not going to tell anybody this secret.
I said, "Don't tell anybody," and he said he won't. I believe him.
I shouldn't have listened to you.
I don't know what to say.
That's so stupid.
You are wasting my time!
「気さくな人」 = He is an approachable person.
It is not easy for me to say "Hi" to other people but he is an exception.
He is friendly.
He always smiles.
He looks like he always accepts people.
「腕を上げる」 = improve one's skill develop one's skill
Your sense of humor has improved.
You are getting funnier day by day.
Your choice of words has become more humorous.
I can't believe you are the same person I met last time.